Infertility in Men: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Infertility in Men: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


 Infertility is a sexual condition that involves the inability to procreate after one or more unprotected sex.  Infertility in men is difficult to diagnose and, unfortunately, some cases cannot be treated.  However, statistically, most men diagnosed and treated for infertility manage to have a child.  Here are the main causes, symptoms and treatment of infertility.


 In the fight against male infertility, doctors have shown that there are a multitude of factors that can affect the ability to procreate.  Among the most common causes are primary diseases that can affect the male reproductive system, such as varicocele - a benign tumor that drains the testicles, inducing oligospermia (decreased sperm count produced by the testicles).

 Other possible causes of infertility in men include infections such as HIV or gonorrhea, which can irreversibly affect the body's ability to produce healthy sperm.  Also, birth defects such as undescended testicles (one or both testicles do not come down from the abdomen during pregnancy) and continued exposure to certain environmental factors (radiation, heavy metals, chemicals) can result in infertility.


 According to the literature, most of the time, patients diagnosed with infertility are asymptomatic (they do not show physical or other symptoms).  The inevitable result is that men discover that they are infertile only after many unsuccessful attempts to have a child.  However, there are some signs that a patient may have this condition, such as:

 Various sexual problems (premature ejaculation, low semen, low sexual appetite).

 Anosmia (loss of smell).

 Gynecomastia (swelling of one or both breasts).

 Pain of varying intensity or swelling of the scrotum.

 Oligospermia (less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of sperm).

 Rare hair on the face and the rest of the body (it can be a chromosomal defect or a hormonal imbalance).

 If you notice one or more of the symptoms mentioned above, contact your doctor for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.


 When it comes to treating male infertility, there is a wide range of treatments available after medical consultation.  For example, if your doctor confirms that a tumor body has caused your condition, I may recommend a surgical treatment that can repair defective sperm ducts.

 In case of infections, broad-spectrum antibiotic treatments can be used.  You need to keep in mind that antibiotics can reduce infections, but in many cases, the ability to procreate is irreversibly affected.

 For sexual problems such as premature ejaculation or a short-term erection, your doctor may recommend psychotherapy sessions and escorts bucharest

 If your infertility is caused by either a hormonal imbalance or a chromosomal defect, your doctor will administer hormone replacement therapy or detailed tests to detect the genetic defect, as appropriate.

 In recent years, researchers have developed a new method of treatment called generic assisted reproduction technology.  This involves artificially fertilizing your partner through various methods such as surgical sampling, use of semen from normal ejaculation, or use of donated sperm. bucharest escorts

 Although in most cases infertility in men can be treated, unfortunately, in some circumstances, treatment is impossible.  As a result, your doctor may recommend either adoption or donor fertilization.

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