how to touch me

how to touch me

And he asked her, "How would you like me to touch you?"

 And she answered thus:

 "I would like you to touch me as if tomorrow you were going somewhere very, very far and you would like to remember every part of my body, the smoothness of my skin, all the valleys and roundness that make up my body.

 I would like you to touch me as if you were blind and as if you did not know the shapes of my body.

 I would like you to touch me as if you were dumb and lost all the words spoken and the only ones left would be the ones said by your fingers.

 I would like you to touch me as if your hands were healing hands that would bring me lost health…

 I'd love for you to touch me like you're feeding yourself a car.  And I would satisfy your hunger and thirst with the love I carry in me.

 I would like you to touch me as if you were feeding me with your caresses, as if your touch alone would give me life and happiness.


 I would like you to touch me as if you wanted to dance a dance with me… a dance whose name has not yet been invented, but which you know how to dance very well…

 I would like you to touch me as if your hands were brushes and when you hit me you would color every part of my body with bright lights and shades.

 I would like you to touch me like a sculptor who has just finished his work and now smooths every part….

 I would like you to touch me as if your hands were fire, so that my being would burn and a new being would be born again. ”

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