Psychogenic impotence is defined as a sexual dysfunction that occurs on a nervous background or due to an unhealthy lifestyle. As a rule, all men who have passed the adolescent period will face at least once in their life with psychogenic impotence. The good news is that it can be diagnosed and treated without harmful drugs or therapies.
How does psychogenic impotence manifest itself?
In general, the symptoms of psychogenic impotence are manifested when we are in bed with our partner or in the presence of sexual stimuli.
Individuals diagnosed with psychogenic impotence may have the following symptoms:
Spontaneous erections; bucharest escorts
Decreased sexual appetite;
Anxiety; escort bucharest
The desire to complete sexual intercourse as soon as possible;
Premature ejaculation; escorts bucharest
Loss of self-confidence;
Blaming your partner.
How does psychogenic impotence occur?
The hardest enemy of a healthy sex life is stress. This pushes us to channel our energies on unimportant things and to lose sight of the foundation on which the act of sex is based - the desire to be intimate with the person next to you.
It is difficult to say what leads to psychogenic impotence. The most correct approach in this case would be the one related to a combination of factors. In most cases, the stress of performing in bed, that is, satisfying your partner, can lead to a temporary loss of the ability to maintain an erection for a longer period of time.
The ramifications of this event are numerous. For example, a man may lose his self-confidence, which can lead to quarrels and even breakups. Untreated, psychogenic impotence can cause total indifference to the sexual act itself.
From a clinical point of view, there are many factors that can contribute to the appearance of this condition. The most common are unhealthy lifestyles (eating on a large scale and in large quantities, sedentary lifestyle), the consumption of harmful substances, such as tobacco or alcohol, and factors related to the environment in which we live or work.
Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity or high cholesterol can also lead to psychogenic impotence.
The factors related to the couple's life are also mentioned. For example, men who are in a relationship with a partner who has had multiple sexual encounters in the past will subconsciously want to prove their worth in bed out of a desire to prove that he is better than others. Most of the time, this competition with yourself and her past will only increase your stress level even more.
Every time you are in bed, you will automatically think of better ways to make her feel the ultimate pleasure. By focusing on sex and erection, you will lose sight of the fact that the purpose of sex is to make you both feel good.
This can lead to stress and exaggerated fears: "Is my technique better than her ex-boyfriend's?", "Did she feel good tonight?", "Does it mimic orgasm?"
That is why it is very important to keep in mind that when you are with her in bed, you need to focus on her and not on anything else.
However, psychogenic impotence can occur, regardless of lifestyle or the dynamics of married life. The best solution is your attitude towards what happened. You have to convince yourself that some things cannot be controlled and that you are more "bad blood" thinking about the possibilities.
Treatment for psychogenic impotence involves regular visits to a psychotherapist and, of course, a sincere dialogue with her about what you each expect from sex. For a shorter convalescence, you can also try dietary supplements for potency.
As I argued earlier, psychogenic impotence is the temporary loss of the ability to sustain an erection. It is a medical problem of a sexual nature common in men and can be treated through therapy and communication with the life partner.