How to have sex in threes without destroying your relationship

How to have sex in threes without destroying your relationship

 Threesome sex can be a remarkable experience whether it is a bored couple who feels the need to experiment or a single person who wants to explore their own sexuality.  One of the many impediments to threesome sex is that your life partner may not share this fantasy with you or, worse, that such a match may end in a sudden breakup.

 Here's what to do to have sex in threes without destroying your relationship escorts bucharest

 It goes without saying that having sex in threes is much easier if the person you want is single.  However, this does not fully guarantee your chances of success.  The easiest way to find people interested in this is to use specialized social networks like Tinder.

 Some sexologists believe that a visit to a sex shop can help you get in touch with certain people who want sex in threes.

 Things take a completely different turn when it comes to threesomes in a relationship.  It goes without saying that such a proposal may not go down well with your life partner.  That is why it is advisable to feel the ground a little before proposing this.

 For example, you can entice him to watch a movie with ménage à trois scenes with you, and after watching it, you can start a discussion about those scenes to find out if your partner smiled at the idea.

 If the answer is yes, then you can suggest it, maybe even in the spirit of a joke to ever try this.  It may take a little persuasion, especially if your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't like this kind of love affair.

 However, if I agree, then all you have to do is find a third person.

 How to choose a third sex partner bucharest escorts

 Here things get a little complicated.  From a statistical point of view, it is observed that sex parties with two women and one man are much more frequent and easier to accept compared to the other alternatives.  Talk to your life partner and find out what she would like best.

 Sexologists believe that it is more appropriate to choose a less close friend or even a stranger for threesomes.  In this way, you can eliminate the risk of forming a love triangle that can culminate in the breakup of the relationship, leaving your partner for the other person.

 Invite the person to your home and talk openly about a possible threesome.  If you agree, then you will need to establish some ground rules.  For example, you can tell him right away that you just want to have fun, without any emotional attachments.  Also, talk about what you expect from this game (things you may or may not do).

 If everything is set, then you can get to work.

 How such a game unfolds

 Of course, just like in a meeting, emotions and maybe some shyness will intervene in the first instance.  Start your evening with a hearty dinner and maybe a glass of wine.  You can turn everything into a role-playing game in which one of the partners tries to seduce another person.

 You can try different things when you get to the bedroom.  It all depends on how many things you are willing to do.  For example, you can ask one of your partners to have oral sex while the other sits on your face for vaginal stimulation.

 As I said earlier, threesome sex is a fantasy that is quite difficult to put into practice because you have to consider several factors: how willing your partner is to accept, what is your limit or if you find someone who shares you.  fantasies

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