~ Bianca ~

Escort in Bucharest , 22 years

bianca was online in the last

Escort Location

Bucharest , Romania

Escorts details

Age: 22 years

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Hair color: Black

Eyes color: Blue

Breast size: Medium

Pubic hair: Shaved

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Zodiac sign: Libra

Languages: Romanian , English

Send gift to escort


1 Ora: 200€

2 Ore: 400€


1 Ora: 200€

2 Ore: 400€

Escort Availability in Bucharest

Escort bianca Reviews

Escort bianca self presentation

My name is Bianca, I have body dimensions that will make even the models jealous. I have breasts that I can call full, but not as big as my hips. When you look down at my breasts, you will see my thin hourglass-like waist. You will not be able to detach your hands from my long white legs. With this perfect physique, I offer escort service in Bucharest.

What escort services does bianca provide?

bianca provides the following services:

How can I make an appointment with escort bianca?

To make an appointment with escort bianca you can use the link: BOOK ESCORT
~ Clients visited escort bianca profile 78 times. ~