~ Ruxi ~

Escort in Bucharest , 24 years

Ruxi was online in the last

Escort Location

Bucharest , Ro

Escorts details

Age: 24 years

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 56 kg

Hair color: Blond

Eyes color: Blue

Breast size: Medium

Pubic hair: Shaved

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Zodiac sign: Aries

Languages: Romanian , English

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1 Ora: 200€


1 Ora: 200€

Escort Availability in Bucharest

Escort Ruxi Reviews

Escort Ruxi self presentation

What escort services does Ruxi provide?

Ruxi provides the following services:

How can I make an appointment with escort Ruxi?

To make an appointment with escort Ruxi you can use the link: BOOK ESCORT
~ Clients visited escort Ruxi profile 76 times. ~