Fear of sex exists - Here are the most common sexual phobias

Fear of sex exists - Here are the most common sexual phobias


 Strange as it may sound, there are people who are afraid of everything that is sexual intercourse.  Called sexual phobias, these conditions involve both clinical manifestations and radical changes in interaction with potential sexual partners.  Here are the most common sexual phobias. escorts bucharest

 1. Oneirogmophobia is the unconscious fear of wet dreams.  People with this condition have a disturbed sleep, as they are crushed by the thought that they will have an erotic dream.

 2. Tocophobia is the fear of conceiving or giving birth to a child.  Suffering women will treat with skepticism any relationship that may involve conception.  In most cases, these women become frigid.

 3. Parthenophobia is an exclusively male condition that refers to the fear of men having sex with virgins or women who have had few partners. bucharest escorts

 4. Heterophobia is the fear of the opposite sex partner.  This phobia is found in women and men alike.

 5. Anuptaphobia is a rather bizarre mental illness as it affects most people.  This is the unconscious fear of being left without a partner.

 6. Menophobia is the fear of menstruation.  Patients suffering from this condition will panic when they see menstrual blood or when they feel specific symptoms.  Menophobia is also found in men, who are tempted by a fear, almost paralyzing, when they see menstrual blood.

 7. Androphobia is the fear of men.  Psychologists say that this condition can manifest itself against the background of traumatic experiences.

 8. Venustrafobia is the fear of beautiful women.  As with androphobia, this condition can occur as a result of a traumatic relationship.

 9. Eurotophobia is the fear of the vagina.  It is almost impossible for men with this condition to make or think about intimate contact with a woman.

 10. Agrophobia is the fear of being sexually abused.  Not to be confused with agoraphobia (fear of public places).  Modern psychology has shown that agrophobia stems from an untreated trauma that involves sexual abuse.

 11. Medumalacufobia is the unconscious fear of bedtime.  Men with this condition may live with the impression that they are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

 12. Ithyphallophobia ester fear of penis.  Clinical observations have shown that affected people react similarly when they see a penis or when they think of the idea of ​​a male organ.  Moreover, in the case of men, this condition is manifested by fear of erection, while patients will be frightened when they see the penis erect.

 13. Paraphobia is the fear of sexual perversions Patients diagnosed with this condition will be excluded from sex parties that do not meet the established criteria.

 14. Philemaphobia is the fear of kissing.  Although it seems a bit bizarre, patients with this condition will not have too many objections when it comes to sex.

 15. Haphephobia.  Also known as chiratophobia, this condition refers to the fear of touch.  Patients with this condition will feel in danger every time they are touched, especially in public.

 16. Gymnophobia is the fear of undressing in front of another person.  Patients with this condition will also feel in danger when they see another person naked.

 These are the most common sexual phobias.  Have you heard of other cases?

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